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   materiaCompilation of VII

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   materiaFinest Fantasy For Advance

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   materiaFabula Novis Crystallis

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   materiaCrystal Chronicles

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   materiaFilm / OVA / Anime

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--------Premium Content--------

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Hunt Ranks

Lost in the Pudding Level 15
HP 69469
final fantasy xii hunt white mousse
final fantasy xii hunt map
White Mousse

Rank: V
Petitioner: Sorbet, Rabanastre Westgate (Moogling)
Reward: 2800 Gil, Yiochi Bow (Sulce Gate Key)
This is an odd mark, since there is no post on the board. You get this one by speaking to Sorbet, when you go to use his Moogling device. White Mousses arsenal of attacks include Toxify, Waterga, and Flash which can blind the pary. Berserk is great here, because it will prevent all of his spells, and force him to rely on physical attacks. If you cast Decoy on the main fighter, and set the rest up to heal. Mousse has a weakness to fire, so use this to your advantage. Flametongues work well, along with Fire Magick. If you think you can handle just two on the field, you can even try a shot with Belias. Make sure though that Mousse is Berserked first though. Though you get this mark very early in the game, you should not tackle it then. If you find you are having a lot of difficulty, let it go, and come back when you have leveled up more. You should be at level 25-30 at the least.

When White Mousse is defeated, you will get the Broken Key. Take this back to Sorbet, and he will wander off. After a spell, he returns, and says it is no longer needed, and hands you the SUlce Gate Key. This key gives you the ability to open and close the gates in the waterway entrance by the save crystal. This will grant you passage to the Esper Cuchulainn, as well as help a couple of Misc. Quests.

Tingling Toast Level 38
HP 54921
final fantasy xii hunt marilith
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Tavernmaster, Sandsea Tavern/Rabanastre
Reward: 2200 Gil, Serpent Eye, Teleport Stone x3 (Serpentwyne Must)
This mark will not appear, unless you sit in the area for five minutes. I know that sounds retarded, but rules are rules. If you try to go for this fight the instant it becomes available, you will lose. It resides inside the Zertinan Caverns, and that can be trouble for a party under level 25.
Try to hit the serpent with Blind and Slow, then let loose on it. Physical atacks work well, and with the status effects in place, Marilith will pretty much fall real fast with a minimal of damage to the party.

The Deserter's Revenge Level 37
HP 41171
final fantasy xii hunt bloodwing
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: No. 381, Southbank Village/Dalmasca Estersands
Reward: 2400 Gil, Stun Bombs, Vampyr Fang
In order to reach this mark, you need to complete the Dalmasca's Desert Bloom hunt, as well as the Patient in the Desert Misc. Quest. This will give you the Barheim Key, and access to the passage where he lays.
Bring people who have ranged weapons or Telekinesis into the fight. Bloodwing is a flying foe, so standard weapons will not work. Silence the oversized bat, to remove the magickal threats from him, then pound away. Other enemies will constantly appear throughout the fight, so make sure to get rid of them, so they do not overwhelm the party. The focus again on Bloodwing.

Get my Stuff Back! Level 41
HP 106616
final fantasy xii hunt vyraal
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Viera Wayfarer, The Whitecap/Balfoheim
Reward: 3500 Gil, Halberd, Crystal Shield (Viera Rucksack, Dragon Scale)
This is another battle that the petitioner will join you in. This time however, the little lady is a ranged fighter, thus making it a lot easier for her to stay alive.
Hit the dragon with Slow and Blind, to cripple its speed and physical attacks. Decoy your main fighter to keep his attentions on him, rather than the healers and visitor. This will make this fight almost too simple. If you feel brave enough, or there seems to be little problems, hit the main fighter with Berserk to speed up the battle.
The Dragon Scale is a key item in opening the Wyrm Philosopher Misc. Quest.

Old Legends, Decaying Bonds Level 39
HP 228468
final fantasy xii hunt lindwyrm
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Fermon, Ally of Muted Sighs/Archades
Reward: 4200 Gil, Barrel Coat, Hi-Ether (Rusted Scrap of Armor)
Ok, this mark only appears when it is cloudy. Yea, another one of those...So use the Tchita Uplands to zone in and out until it is cloudy or raining. Then head into the Lindwyrms area. If it is still raining when you arive, zone in and out of the area, until the rain stops.
Lindwyrm uses thunder based attacks, so bring in your Rubber Suits if you have them. He also uses plenty of status effects, but Stone sems to be his favorite. Be prepared to remove the effects with Esunaga or items.
There is actually two ways you can do this fight. The first is the usual main fighter, and two healers in the back. Have the main fighter focus on his assault, while the other two assist and heal when it is needed.
The second method is to hit it with Blind, Silence and Sleep. Then shut off the physical attack gambits and go magick baby! Use Shear for several turns, then pelt it with Scathe, Scourge, Holy, or Flare. He will simply sit there and take the assault without attacking back.

The Black Sorcerer Level 46
HP 49660
final fantasy xii hunt piscodaemon
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Ivaness, Temple Grounds/Mt. Bur-Omisace
Reward: 3800 Gil, Dark Shot, Scathe Mote
This is actually a very easy fight. The big concerns are the status effects that the Piscodaemon can throw at you. Be sure to have your ranged characters set with Remedy/Esunaga and Dispel to counter any of them.
Piscodaemon is very weak when it comes to physical assaults. Just cast Berserk on your main fighter, hit him with Haste, and let him go to town on the guy. He will be gone in no time.

Elite marks

Crime and Punishment Level 34
HP 87141
final fantasy xii hunt orthros
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Contrite Thief, Lowtown North Sprawl
Reward: 3800 Gil, Horakhty's Flame, Unpurified Ether (Stolen Articles, Blackened Fragment)
In order to make this mark emerge from hiding, you need to enter with a woman only party. Once he comes out, switch to your main party members.
The first thing you will want to do is Dispel Bravery, Shell, and Protect from Othros. This will help in getting hits and spells in. He has a large weakness to Fire, so pelt him with Fira/Firaga from a distance, while your main attacker shreds him up physically. Watch out for his status attacks, and have /esuna/Esunaga ready. In no time, you will pelt him into the dust.

Retrieving the stolen goods from this hunt will land you the Blackened Fragment. This is part of the nabreus's Medal Misc. Quest.

Paramina Run Level 44
HP 61321
final fantasy xii hunt trickster
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Gurdy, Sand-strewn Pass/Mt. Bur-Omicase
Reward: 4800 Gil, Deimos Clay
This very White Chocobo is not as easy as one might believe a Chocobo to be. Begin the fight with Blind and Silence, to give you a bit of an advantage over him. He moves very quick, and attacks hard. Blind should help ease the damage taken. The Trickster might use White Wind before you can Blind or Silence it, which blocks all status effects. If this happens, just go in for attacks, until the barrier falls.
When he gats to about 1/4 his HP, quickly unleash a Quickening on him to finish him off. If you wait too long, he will erect a paling to prevent any physical damage. If this happens, simply focus on keeping everyone healthy. Then attack full on, or hit it with a Quickening when the paling falls.

Antlion Infestation Level 37
HP 106499
final fantasy xii hunt antlion
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Niray, The Staras Residence/Bhujerba
Reward: 4300 Gil, Bubble Belt, Sickle Blade
The Antlion comes complete with a few of his friends. About five of them to be exact. Your top priority is to get rid of his friends and quick. The Antlion is a cannabal, and will devour his friends, gaining Levels and power. If you let him eat too many, he will begin wiping you out with one or two hits. Once you have dispatched his friends, then you can begin your assault on him. Try to keep the fight withing the room you find him, so he does not go after stray Killer Mantis wandering around the area. Antlion uses Disable a lot, so be prepared to counter the effect with Esuna/Esunaga. To play it safe, equip one of your healers with a Black Belt to negate the Disable, ensuring everyone can be brought out of it. Keep up the fight, and he will become toast in no time.

Once you have defeated the Antlion, the children emerge, and tell you about the key they lost over the side. The clue to find it is: "Perhaps it will wash up on some shore somewhere". It is in Phon Coast, by the fallen Bhujerban. You will need this key to complete the Diablos and Battle on the Big Bridge hunts.

A Dark Rumor Level 49
HP 115659
final fantasy xii hunt belito
final fantasy xii hunt map

Rank: V
Petitioner: Montblanc
Reward: 5100 Gil, Megalixir
If you think you are going after one ugly bird man, think again. Seems Ba'Gamman and his chronies are still mad that you gave them the slip not once but twice. Now it is time to settle the score for good.
You ahve help in this fight in the form of Morid from the Clan Hall. Your first objective is to get rid of Bwagi, Rinok, and Gijuk. They are the weakest, and easiest to get rid of. Once they are gone, unload on Ba'Gamman. He has some strong attacks, but this is not a very difficult fight. Just keep everyone in good health, and victory will be yours.