Final Fantasy VIII

You must draw Pandemona from Fujin, during your fight in the town of Balamb.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii gf pandemona
Elemental: Wind
Attack: Tornado Zone
1 - -
19 1442 1052
20 1506 1092
30 2146 1466
40 2794 1840
50 3450 2213
60 4114 2587
70 4786 2961
80 5466 3335
90 6154 3708
100 6850 4082
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
STR-J Learned None STR+40% 120 None
SPD-J 120 SPD+20% SPD+20% 150 SPD+40%
ELEM-ATK-J Learned None SPD+40% 200 None
ELEM-DEF-J Learned None Initiative 160 None
ELEM-DEFx2 130 None SUMMAG+10% 40 SUMMAG+20%
Magic Learned None SUMMAG+20% 70 SUMMAG+30%
GF Learned None SUMMAG+30% 140 None
Draw Learned None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
Item Learned None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
Absorb 80 None GFHP+30% 140 None
STR+20% 60 STR+40% Boost 10 None

With a vast amount of enemies weak to wind, and a limited magical selection, Pandemona is a great addition to your GF line-up. His wind attack is very strong, and there is enough animation to boost the damage even higher. He is also the first Guardian Force to have Initiative, Spd-J, and Str-J all in one. He can easily make any character a powerhouse.

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