Final Fantasy VIII

You must draw Alexander from Edea, in your final confrontation in Galbadia Garden.

final fantasy kingdom, final fantasy viii gf alexander
Elemental: Holy
Attack: Holy Judgement
Level HP Atk. Power
1 - -
10 -- --
25 1925 1350
30 2266 1542
40 2954 1920
50 3650 2298
60 4354 2676
70 5066 3054
80 5786 3432
90 6514 3810
100 7250 4188
Ability AP Opens Ability AP Opens
SPR-J Learned None SPR+40% 120 None
ELEM-ATK-J 160 None Med Data 200 Med LV Up
ELEM-DEFx2 Learned None SUMMAG+10% 40 SUMMAG+20%
ELEM-DEFx4 180 None SUMMAG+20% 70 SUMMAG+30%
Ailityx3 Learned None SUMMAG+30% 140 None
Magic Learned None GFHP+10% 40 GFHP+20%
GF Learned None GFHP+20% 70 GFHP+30%
Draw Learned None GFHP+30% 140 None
Item Learned None Boost 10 None
Revive 200 None High MAG-RF 60 None
SPR+20% 60 SPR+40% Med LV Up 120 None

Alexander has a Holy elemental attack. This makes him the ideal choice when dealing with undead, or those affected with Zombie. Though Alexander's attack is relatively weak, If you junction Zombie to your attack, you can force a weakness on your enemies.
Alexander makes up for its lack of power with the extremely useful abilities it has. ELEM DEFx4 is something of a rarity, and the Revive ability is one you will need in later boss battles. It should be the first ability you get, after Boost. Med LV Up is needed to acquire Doomtrain, and can upgrade items for rougher battles.

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