Final Fantasy VII

Gold Saucer Station

gold saucer station
gold saucer entrance

gold saucer entranceThere is really nothing to do in the station, but a couple of things should be covered just because. The lady at the entrance is selling two tickets. A day pass is 3,000 Gil, and the lifetime pass is 30,000 Gil. It is strongly suggested you get the lifetime pass, by the time you are looking for the keystone. If you would prefer, you have the option of leaving Corel before entering the Gold Saucer, to fight random battles the first time there. This will not only get you the 30,000 Gil you need, but you can do some leveling up in the process.
The save point here is the ONLY ONE in the Gold Saucer. There is a catch to it though. It costs 5 GP (not Gil) to use it. Basically if you have no GP, you will have to trek all the way out of Corel to save.
Sometimes when you enter or leave the Gold Saucer, a figure will appear behind the back of the house in the far side of the station. This guy will sell GP for Gil at a ratio of 100-1. He is not always there though. You might have to enter, and leave several times before he shows up.

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