Final Fantasy VII

Round Square

final fantasy vii gold saucer cgi 1

final fantasy vii gold saucer cgi 2

final fantasy vii gold saucer cgi 3

This is a ride that is important to the storyline, when you enter the Gold Saucer on your second trip through. You will either go on a date with Aeris (Most likely), Tifa, Barret, or Yuffie. when you are on your date, the scenery is replaced by dialogue between the two charcters. Below is Aeris date with Cloud, as it is the central plot point of the story.

final fantasy vii gold saucer cgi 4

final fantasy vii gondola
final fantasy vii gondola

Of course anytime after said date, you can take a party member of your choosing on a ride in the Gondola. You get to see a lot more of the beautiful attractions in the park. There is no dialogue however, between you and the person you bring with you.
final fantasy vii gondola

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