FFI Pixel Remaster

Pixel Remaster

Final Fantasy Memory Game

final fantasy pixel remaster tile gameOnce you gain the Ship, you have the ability to find Final Fantasy's very first Easter Egg. A kind of fun little tile game you can play anytime you wish.
To do so, hit the A and B buttons repeatedly, until the game appears. It will randomly palce the tiles on the board, and you will have to set them in the proper order. It is just like those novelty birthday Tile games, most everyone has played at some time or another. If you are quick enough, you are rewarded with a prize. This is simply 100 GP. But you must finish it within a certain amount of time. and that time frame is:

1st Place: 0:30:00 or less

2nd Place: 0:30:00 - 1:00:00

3rd Place: 1:00:00 - 2:00:00

final fantasy pixel remaster tile gameIt is a nice diversion, and can be a simple way to get some extra GP without fighting for it.

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Final Fantasy is a of Square-Enix Co. Ltd. All images, music, logo's, etc are Square-Enix.