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Final Fantasy Character Classes

There is no true characters in Final Fantasy. Rather you get to choose from six character classes at the beginning of the game. These will be your characters throughout the entire journey. As you progress, their proficientcy within their class will improve.
final fantasy bahamut nesAlong the way, you will come across Bahamut, lord of all dragons. Providing you can prove your worth, he will bestow greater power to your classes.
Below are the six different classes you can choose from, as well as their beginning stats. The stats of the class change, are determined by what your stats are when it happens.

final fantasy class fighter
HP 35 Str 20 Warrior
Fighters have the highest hit points of any class. They can also equip almost every weapon/armor in the game. This adds to the already high strength and endurance.
Class Change- Knight
Knights have all the great high stats of warriors, plus they can use white magic up to level 3.
final fantasy class knight
Agi 5 Int 1
Vit 10 Hit% 10
M.Def 15 Luck 5

final fantasy class thief
HP 30 Str 5 Thief
Thieves are more agile than Fighters, making escaping battles easier. They can only wear light armor, and their weapon selection is small. A thiefs attack is weaker than that of a Fighter.
Class Change-Ninja
The Ninja gets a huge boost in weapon and armor selections, as well as the ability to cast Black Magic up to level 4.
final fantasy class ninja
Agi 10 Int 5
Vit 5 Hit% 5
M.Def 15 Luck 15

final fantasy class black belt
HP 33 Str 5 Monk
Black Belts actually increase their stats better without armor and weapons. When fighting without a weapon, Black Belts can surpase Fighters damage at level 15+. The downside is their extremely low defense. In a heavy battle or boss fight, they can get easily KO'ed.
Class Change- Master
Nothing new for the Monk...well, outside of the shiny new sprite.
final fantasy class master
Agi 5 Int 5
Vit 20 Hit% 5
M.Def 5 Luck 10

final fantasy class red mage
HP 30 Str 5 Red Mage
Red Mages can use Black and White Magic up to level 5. There is also a wide variety of weapons and armor for the Red Mage to use. Red Mage is the best of all magic users for physical fighting.
Class Change- Red Wizard
Red Wizards spell list increases to level 7, and they get some more weapons and armor to choose from.
final fantasy class red wizard
Agi 5 Int 15
Vit 10 Hit% 5
M.Def 7 Luck 20

final fantasy class black mage
HP 25 Str 1 Black Mage
The Black Mage uses damage and status ailing spells. This class has the fewest HP, and is extremely weak in defense. The better choice of mages is the Red Mage.
Class Change- Black Wizard
The only difference is the Black Wizard can learn the remaining Black Magic spells.
final fantasy class black wizard
Agi 10 Int 20
Vit 1 Hit% 10
M.Def 5 Luck 20

final fantasy class white mage
HP 28 Str 5 White Mage
White Mages are the healers and damagers of the undead. They are weak in defense, but their constitution can keep them going in the long stretch.
Class Change- White Wizard
The only difference is the White Wizard can learn the rest of the White Magic missed by the White Mage.
final fantasy class white wizard
Agi 5 Int 15
Vit 10 Hit% 5
M.Def 5 Luck 20

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