Welcome to Super Mario Kingdom. This section of the Final Fantasy Kingdom covers the most popular, and the most successful title to ever cross gaming history. Mario was originally released back in 1983 by Nintendo for arcade venues. This simple game was well received by the public. But at the time, there was a massive crash in the video game industry, thus it did not see a prt over to consoles for some time. In 1985, it released the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) with Super Mario Brothers/Duckhunt as the title game to accompany it. This was the first title for many gamers, and it became the most successful game ever in the history of video games. Mario Brothers single handedly ended the two year video game crash here in the states. It has sold over 40 million copies world wide, and has created a fan base like none other. The response to the Mario franchise has been stellar. It is a game everyone can easily play from about the age of 4 and up. There is no drawn out violence, nor any type of foul language to speak of. This is perhaps a major factor in its popularity with parents of younger children. With the violence and slaughter getting more real and far worse in other titles, it is good to see this series does not have to rely on it. Mario Brothers is simply a fun game to play, for any age range. Inside this section, I will give the low downs on all aspects of the Mario titles covered. Everything from who your enemies are, to what those interesting items do for you.