Final Fantasy X-2

Main Commands


Location: Rikku's initial Dressphere

final fantasy x-2 dressphere white mage
Name Description AP MP Required Abilities
Attack Attack one enemy. 0 0 -
Steal Steal items from one enemy. 0 0 -
Pilfer Gil Steal gil from one enemy. 30 2 -
Borrowed Time Inflict Stop on one enemy. 100 16 -
Pilfer HP Steal HP from one enemy. 60 10 Pilfer Gil
Pilfer MP Steal MP from one enemy. 60 0 Pilfer HP
Sticky Fingers Always steal items from one enemy. 120 20 Pilfer HP
Master Thief Steal rare items from one enemy. 140 20 Sticky Fingers
Soul Swipe Inflict berserk on one enemy. 160 12 Pilfer HP
Steal Will Cause one enemy to flee from battle. 160 18 Soul Swipe
Flee Aid the party's escape from battle. 10 0 -
Item Hunter Improves the odds of enemies dropping items. 60 0 -
First Strike Act at the beginning of battle. 40 0 -
Initiative Raises the party's chance of a pre-emptive strike. 60 0 First Strike
Slowproof Guard against Slow. 20 0 Item Hunter
Stopproof Guard against Stop. 40 0 Slowproof

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