Final Fantasy VIII

Triple Triad
LV 1-5 Monster Cards
LV 6-10 Boss and Rare Cards
Rare card locations
Card Modification

Card Modification

Level 1 Cards
Geezard 1=5 Screws
Funguar 1=1 M-Stone Piece
Bite Bug 1=1 M-Stone Piece
Red Bat 1=1 Vampire fang
Blobra 4=1 Rrune Armlet
Gayla 1=1 Mystery Fluid
Gesper 1=1 Black Hole
Fastitocalon-F 5=1 Water Crystal
Blood Soul 1=1 Zombie Powder
Caterchipillar 1=1 Spider Web
Cockatrice 1=1 Cockatrice Pinion
Level 2 Cards
Grat 1=1 Magic Stones
Buel 1=1 Magic Stones
Mesmerize 1=1 Mesmerize Blade
Glacial Eye 1=1 Arctic Wind
Belhelmel 1=1 Saw Blade
Thrustaevis 1=1 Shear Feather
Anacondaur 1=1 Venom Fang
Creeps 1=1 Coral fragment
Grendel 1=1 Dragon Fin
Jelleye 1=1 Magic Stones
Grand mantis 1=1 Sharp Spike
Level 3 Cards
Forbidden 1=1 Betrayal Sword
Armadodo 1=1 Dino Bone
Tri-Face 1=1 Curse Spike
Fastitocalon 1=1 Water crystal
Snow Lion 1=1 North Wind
Ochu 1=1 Ochu Tentacle
SAM08G 1=1 Running Fire
Death Claw 1=1 Sharp Spike
Cactuar 1=1 Cactus Thorn
Tonberry 1=1 Chef's Knife
Abyss Worm 1=1 Wind Mill
Level 4 Cards
Turtapod 5=1 Healing mail
Vysage 1=1 Wizard Stone
T-Rexaur 2=1 Dino Bone
Bomb 1=1 Bomb Fragment
Blitz 1=1 Dynamo Stone
Wendingo 1=1 Steel Orb
Torama 5=1 Life Ring
Imp 1=1 Wizard Stone
Blue Dragon 4=1 Fury Fragment
Adamantoise 3=1 Turtle Shell
Hexadragon 1=1 Sharp Spike
Level 5 Cards
Iron Giant 3=1 Star Fragment
Behemoth 10=1 Barrier
Chimera 10=1 Regen Ring
Pupu 1=1 Hungry Cookpot
Elastoid 1=1 Steel Pipe
GIM47N 1=10 Fast Ammo
Malboro 4=1 Malboro Tentacle
Ruby Dragon 10=1 Inferno Fang
Elnoyle 10=1 Energy Crystal
Tonberry King 1=1 Chef's Knife
Wedge, Biggs 1=1 X-Potion
Level 6 Cards
Fujin, Raijin 1=1 X-Potion
ELVORET 1=10 Death Stones
X-ATM092 2=1 Turtle Shell
Granaldo 1=1 G-Returner
Gerogero 10=1 Circlet
Iguion 1=1 Cockatrice Pinion
Abadon 1=30 Dark Ammo
Trauma 1=30 Demolition Ammo
Oilboyle 1=30 Fire Ammo
Shumi Tribe 5=1 Gambler Spirit
Krysta 1=10 Holy Stones
Level 7 Cards
Propagator 1=1 G-Mega-Potion
Jumbo Cactuar 1=1 Cactus Thorn
Tri-Point 40=1 Jet Engine
Gargantua 10=1 Strength Love
Mobile Type 8 1=10 Shell Stones
Sphinxara 1=1 G-Mega-Potion
Tiamat 1=10 Flare Stones
BGH251F2 1=10 Protect Stones
Red Giant 1=5 Meteor Stones
Catoblepas 1=1 Rename Card
Ultima Weapon 1=1 Ultima Stone
Level 8 Cards
Fat Chocobo 1=100 LuvluvG
Angelo 1=100 Elixirs
Gilgamesh 1=10 Holy Wars
Mini Mog 1=100 Pet Houses
Chicobo 1=100 Gyshal Greens
Quezacotl 1=100 Dynamo Stones
Shiva 1=100 North Winds
Ifrit 1=3 Elem Attacks
Siren 1=3 Status Attacks
Sacred 1=100 Dino Bones
Minotaur 1=10 Adamantite
Level 9 Cards
Carbuncle 1=3 Glow Curtains
Diablos 1=100 Black Holes
Leviathan 1=3 Doc's Codes
Odin 1=100 Dead Spirits
Pandemona 1=100 Windmills
Cerberus 1=100 Lightweights
Alexander 1=3 Moon Curtains
Phoenix 1=3 Phoenix Spirits
Bahamut 1=100 Megalixirs
Doomtrain 1=3 Status Guard
Eden 1=3 Monk's Code
Level 10 Cards
Ward 1=3 Gaea's Rings
Kiros 1=3 Accelerators
Laguna 1=100 Heroes
Selphie 1=3 Elem Guards
Quistis 1=3 Samantha Souls
Irvine 1=3 Rocket Engines
Zell 1=3 Hyper Wrists
Rinoa 1=3 Magic Armlets
Edea 1=3 Royal Crowns
Seifer 1=3 Diamond Armor
Squall 1=3 Three Stars

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