Name |
HP |
Creator |
Appears to the party as a guide or sage. Directs them where to go next. |
Gen-Bu |
The Black Turtle is the keeper of the Black Orb. |
King Shield |
Possesses the King. Has little in means of assistance for the party. |
Steward |
King Shield's loyal retainer. Something is not quite right with the way he acts though. |
King Armor |
Possesses the King. If you can find his love and convince her to marry him, he will hand over the Armor. |
Girl |
This is the love of King Armor's life...and you thought it was a human girl. |
Bandit |
He ransacks the South Town. He is determined to marry the girl King Shield is in love with. |
King Sword |
Possesses the King. You quickly find he is a man of battle, and will attack you on sight. |
Sei-Ryu |
The Blue Dragon is the keeper of the Blue Orb. |
Old Man |
King of Dragons, who was banished by Sei-Ryu. He will come to some aid through the journey. |
Byak-Ko |
The White Tiger is the keeper of the White Orb. |
Jeanne |
Mileille`s twin sister, whom Byak-Ko is looking for. |
Mileille |
Jeanne`s twin sister. She is secretly working for Byak-Ko to find her sister. |
Su-Zaku |
The Red Bird is the keeper of the Red Orb. |
Sayaka |
So-Cho`s sister. She wants desperately to find her brother, and asks the party for their assistance. |
So-Cho |
Sayaka`s brother. He has set out to defeat Su-Zaku, but no one has heard from him. People have begun to fear the worst has befallen him |