Dragon Warrior II


Name Buy Sell Description
Antidote Herb 8 6 Removes poison
Charm of Rubiss - - Breaks the spell on Hargon's Castle to show its true evil form
Cloak of Wind - - Allows you to travel to Lianport through the Dragon's Horn
Dew's Yarn - - Needed along with Magic Loom, to make the Water Flying Cloth
Dragon Potion - 7500 Allows you to save your game from any location
Dragon's Bane 640 480 Reduces effectiveness of spells like Sleep and Stopspell
Echoing Flute - - Give's an echo when played
near a Crest
Eye of Malroth - - Opens the Cave to Rhone, and allows you to get to Level 2 of Hargon's Castle
Fairy Water 40 30 Keeps weaker monsters at bay while you travel
Golden Card - 375 Merchants will give you a 25% discount on items if you possess this card
Golden Key - 2 Unlocks Gold Doors
Gremlin's Tail - 1125 Cursed item
Jailor's Key 2000 1500 Unlocks Cell Doors
Leaf of the World Tree - 5 Revives party member. After using you can get another from same island
Life Crest - - Trade, along with the 4 other Crests for Charm of Rubiss
Lottery Ticket - 53 Allows you to play the lottery
Magic Loom - - Needed, along with Dew's Yarn, to make the Water Flying Cloth
Medical Herb 15 12 Restores some HP
Mirror of Ra - - Frees the Princess of Moonbrook from her curse
Moon Crest - - Trade, along with the 4 other Crests for Charm of Rubiss
Moon Fragment - - Allows you to gain entrance to the Sea Cave
Ship - - Lets you travel to all of the continents across the ocean
Silver Key - 2 Unlocks Silver Doors
Star Crest - - Trade, along with the 4 other Crests for Charm of Rubiss
Sun Crest - - Trade, along with the 4 other Crests for Charm of Rubiss
Token of Erdrick - - Trade is for Erdrick's Helmet at the Monolith of Erdrick
Treasures - - Give it to the man behind the silver door in Lianport (use the ship to get to him) and he will give you the Echoing Flute
Water Crest - - Trade, along with the 4 other Crests for Charm of Rubiss
Watergate Key - - Opens the Watergate in Tuhn
Wing of Wyvern 80 60 Returns you to the last castle, shrine, or town in which you saved the game at
Wizard's Ring - 1950 Restores 15-30 MP, may be used repeatedly until it breaks

 Dragon Warrior Series
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