All the Bravest weapons
Name |
ID |
Atk |
Description |
Mythril Knife | 1
| +1
| This dagger is made from a rare and precious metal, yet still has a modest look.
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Description |
Main Gauche | 2
| +1
| This dagger gifts its wielder with a catlike evasion that really annoys enemies.
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Description |
Mage Masher | 3
| +3
| This blade deprives those it cuts of speech, preventing spells. Enjoy the silence.
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Description |
Air Knife | 4
| +2
| A smith imbued this dagger with the power of wind, simply because he could.
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Description |
Thief's Knife | 5
| +3
| Though normally criminal behavior, stealing from monsters is indeed permissible.
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Description |
Dancing Dagger | 6
| +4
| The dancer's soul within this dagger causes your body to move of its own accord.
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Description |
Assassin's Dagger | 7
| +5
| The name says it all. Killing monsters isn't assassination, but who's counting?
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Description |
Zwill Crossblade | 8
| +7
| This red and black dagger is popular among thieves and looks sweet at your hip.
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Description |
Valiant Knife | 9
| +10
| This blade presents a danger even to the wielder. Keep out of the hands of cowards.
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Description |
Rapier | 10
| +1
| A question for the ages--does it hurt more to be cut or stabbed by this thing?
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Description |
Mythril Sword | 11
| +1
| Something about having this classic sword in hand just sets the mind at ease.
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Description |
Coral Sword | 12
| +2
| Handle with care! Much coral has painstakingly been worked into this fine blade.
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Description |
Enhancer | 13
| +2
| Just equipping this enchanted blade is enough to make anyone feel like a caster.
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Description |
Wightslayer | 14
| +3
| This sword is so amazing that it can actually kill that which is already dead.
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Description |
Sun Blade | 15
| +4
| Be friendly to the environment as you fell foes with this solar-powered sword.
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Description |
Butterfly Sword | 16
| +6
| Be sure not to put your eye out when swinging this pointy, many-pronged sword.
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Description |
Lohengrin | 17
| +8
| The very name of this sword rings of high society. Hands off, plebeians!
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Description |
Ancient Sword | 18
| +6
| A sword from a bygone age said to curse any who trifle with it. Serious business.
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Description |
Lightbringer | 19
| +10
| No enemy likes having a light shone in its face. Even less so a sword of light.
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Description |
Claymore | 20
| +1
| Swinging around this huge sword is a very effective means of anger management.
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Description |
Surviver | 21
| +1
| Without a single imperfection, this sword may well be the soul mate you seek.
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Description |
Bastard Sword | 22
| +3
| Ideal for one hand or two, this sword deserves better than to be called bad names.
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Description |
Ice Brand | 23
| +2
| Stay cool even in summer with this magical blade forged from unmelting ice! Brrr!
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Description |
Flametongue | 24
| +2
| Some like it hot and some like when fire itself is bound within their sword.
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Description |
Organyx | 25
| +3
| An axe and a sword all wrapped in one. Best kept out of the hands of amateurs.
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Description |
Diamond Sword | 26
| +3
| You'll have to get a jeweler to look at this and tell you if it is real or fake.
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Description |
Defender | 27
| +5
| This blade embodies the timeless philosophy that the best defense is a good offense.
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Description |
Rune Blade | 28
| +4
| This blade's engravings conjure foreboding imagery of retribution and reckoning.
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Description |
Gorgon Blade | 29
| +4
| With petrifying powers, this blade turns enemies to rigid rock and solid stone.
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Description |
Crystal Sword | 30
| +4
| This crystalline sword endows its wielder with a light to empower and guide.
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Description |
Ultima Weapon | 31
| +8
| A blade with power bound to your remaining life. Avoid using it when knackered.
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Description |
Blood Sword | 32
| +4
| This sword absorbs the life force of foes. Perfect for those with vampire envy.
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Description |
Save the Queen | 33
| +6
| This sword is ideal for protecting ladies. Now all you have to do is find one...
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Description |
Excalipoor | 34
| +1
| Though it has betrayed many masters, this blade is still coveted for its power.
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Description |
Excalibur | 35
| +10
| All knights yearn for this sword of unparalleled power. Accept no imitations.
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Description |
Deathbringer | 36
| +6
| This blade delivers a cold, callous death void of any compassion or remorse.
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Description |
Ragnarok | 37
| +10
| A blade so powerful as to bring an end to a war amongst the gods themselves.
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Description |
Treaty-Blade | 38
| +4
| Symbol of a sworn treaty, and the irony of bringing about peace through destruction.
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Description |
Healing Staff | 39
| +1
| This magical staff of mending is sure to cure both you and your ailing allies.
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Description |
Mage's Staff | 40
| +1
| To one not trained in the ways of magic, this powerful staff is a mere stick.
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Description |
High Mage Staff | 41
| +2
| This staff was created under a single guiding principle--by wizards, for wizards.
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Description |
Rune Staff | 42
| +5
| Carved into this staff is the most lovely poetry ever. Too bad you can't read it.
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Description |
Shining Staff | 43
| +8
| Illuminating a dark place is perhaps the most unimaginative use for this staff.
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Description |
Mace of Zeus | 44
| +10
| A mace of unspeakable power, truly fit for the mighty god whose name it bears.
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Description |
Mythril Rod | 45
| +1
| A testament to the versatility of mythril. The stuff can be worked into anything.
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Description |
Serpent Rod | 46
| +1
| Though not a real snake, this rod still exhibits a reptilian coolness when touched.
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Description |
Flame Rod | 47
| +4
| Yes, it houses the power of flame, and no, you cannot use it in place of a torch.
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Description |
Frost Rod | 48
| +3
| Icy cold to the touch, many a mage has come to regret carrying this rod in winter.
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Description |
Thunder Rod | 49
| +4
| Try picking this up with wet hands. What's the worst that could possibly happen?
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Description |
Poison Rod | 50
| +3
| A rod coated in poison, because being magically imbued with it is simply not enough.
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Description |
Lilith Rod | 51
| +4
| Just waving this weird rod at things makes them get all tuckered out and tired.
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Description |
Stardust Rod | 52
| +10
| The celestial glow of this rod bespeaks a power as unknowable as the heavens.
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Description |
Mythril Claws | 53
| +1
| It hurts just to look upon these claws of mythril, let alone be cut by them.
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Description |
Poison Knuckles | 54
| +1
| It's said poison is a woman's weapon, but don't tell that to any guys wearing these.
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Description |
Cat Claws | 55
| +2
| Meowing maniacally while fighting increases the damage these claws inflict. Try it!
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Description |
Tiger Fangs | 56
| +3
| These imposing things would drive even the most alpha tiger insane with jealousy.
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Description |
Dragon Claws | 57
| +5
| Except for all harder materials, dragon claws are the hardest material known.
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Description |
Duel Claws | 58
| +6
| Wrought from bestial fangs, these claws look as grotesque as one would imagine.
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Description |
Venom Claws | 59
| +10
| It's said poison is a woman's weapon, but don't say that to any guys wearing these.
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Description |
Kagenui | 60
| +2
| This sword attacks shadows, but its efficacy at night is itself shady at best.
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Description |
Ichigeki | 61
| +3
| This blade kills enemies instantly in a single blow. Well, maybe not instantly.
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Description |
Kotetsu | 62
| +2
| The edge of this legendary blade never wears, nor does its brilliant light wane.
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Description |
Kiku-ichimonji | 63
| +3
| This katana and its chrysanthemum motif sheath are highly coveted by all samurai.
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Description |
Yoshiyuki | 64
| +5
| The worst thing about this great katana is that its name is too hard to remember.
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Description |
Homura | 65
| +6
| This blade leaves flames as it cuts, making it a very popular item at campsites.
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Description |
Nanatsusayanotachi | 66
| +7
| When not fighting for your life, this sword doubles as a great coat rack.
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Description |
Murakumo | 67
| +10
| Despite its name, this treasured sword was found in the depths of the ocean.
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Description |
Javelin | 68
| +1
| This weapon looks to be completely ordinary. Maybe try throwing it or something?
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Description |
Blood Lance | 69
| +3
| This lance has the power to absorb an enemy's life--as if that were somehow fair.
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Description |
Golden Spear | 70
| +4
| To throw gold to the enemy is folly. To throw pointy gold at the enemy, genius.
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Description |
Impartisan | 71
| +3
| It takes an imp to coax this spear to its full poten--ew! Why is it all slimy?
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Description |
Trident | 72
| +5
| For whatever reason, thunder booms when this three-pronged polearm strikes a foe.
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Description |
Partisan | 73
| +5
| Weaponsmiths claim no shield can stop this spear. Anything to close a deal.
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Description |
Holy Lance | 74
| +7
| This weapon has been cleansed, purified, consecrated, sanctified, and blessed.
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Description |
Radiant Lance | 75
| +9
| Very few enemies, if any, are not averse to having a bunch of holes poked in them.
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Description |
Wyvern Lance | 76
| +10
| A spear strong against dragons, but dropped by one. Echoes of chicken or the egg?
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Description |
Elven Bow | 77
| +5
| An all-natural bow crafted in a way only the most liberal of elves can achieve.
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Description |
Killer Bow | 78
| +8
| If aimed well, this bow, like any other, can kill enemies with a single shot.
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Description |
Aevis Killer | 79
| +9
| This bow is the cat's meow--a noise which, incidentally, it makes when shot.
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Description |
Artemis Bow | 80
| +10
| The bow of the moon goddess, made of pure silver. Mortal men strain to lift it.
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Description |
Yoichi's Bow | 81
| +15
| This odd bow comes from a far land and bears the name of some person or another.
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Description |
Quicksilver | 82
| +5
| This easy-to-use gun practically shoots itself. Killing has never been so simple!
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Description |
Bismarck | 83
| +6
| The intricate craftsmanship of this gun is the stuff of firearm collectors' dreams.
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Description |
Ulysses | 84
| +10
| This gun's retro design is enough to tickle the fancy of any firearm enthusiast.
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Description |
Greataxe | 85
| +9
| The great axe may help bring out the greatness in us all. Wouldn't that be great?
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Description |
Light Axe | 86
| +10
| At night, the holy light emitted by this axe attracts insects seeking to mate.
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Description |
Rune Axe | 87
| +15
| This axe enhances magical power. But that doesn't really help anyone, does it?
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Description |
Diamond Bell | 88
| +5
| A glass chime prized by adventurers for its ability to get on monsters' nerves.
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Description |
Lamia's Harp | 89
| +8
| This harp's enchanting tones will turn the most stoic sage into a lovesick idiot.
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Description |
Apollo Harp | 90
| +15
| This elegant harp produces sounds so beautiful they hurt--literally.
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Description |
Tinklebell | 91
| +20
| A bell whose existence is still doubted. Are you sure you're truly seeing this?
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Description |
Beast Killer | 92
| +10
| Spare the whip and spoil the beast. Lashing creatures is the only way to train them.
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Description |
Fire Lash | 93
| +20
| Some find the sting of this whip, found deep within Kuza, not altogether unpleasant.
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